Friday, September 08, 2006

at the end, how good is good?

How often have you sat back and let a passing thought get the better of you. it can engulf you in totality. The feeling is joyful. It lets you live a million dreams and lets you be a 1000 people in that split moment. And when you look up, there you are back in your natural habitat. That is the power of thought. We all have it, just need little polishing and you could be thinking of anything. Fuel your imaginations cause it gives you the power to dream on and to live a million happy moments in life. Have you ever seen a wild horse being tamed, they do it with a lot of racehorses. You know the truth is they can modify you and educate and train you as much as they want, but at the end you’ll do what you do best. For them they race, you think we actually do anything to make that happen. No. They do it because they wouldn’t be horses otherwise. It’s the same with you and me. Trust me it has to happen to you sooner or later, but you will know from within this is what you want. We all know what we want, trust me we know. Then why do we hold back.. Simply because we don’t believe we can do something, scared of rejection.. Very true.. Ego is inborn and failure can ruin you. But is that all there is to that. Have you never been told to learn from your mistakes? And honestly if you don’t take that decision, you’ll never know what could have happened and all your life you’ll say” if I had only…” Don’t do this to yourself. Expression is your birthright. Tell the world what you want; at least you’ll know you tried. If you fail, it was meant to be, that’s your destiny. No matter what you try, you’re still only doing what was already to be. So it’s not so much about what you do, but how you do it. Friends I’ll be happy to believe that there is an afterlife where we shall meet again, but who knows. As of now I believe one thing, I have one life and I love you.


Abdul said...

it was nice reading...agree with what you say..


Shrinidhi Hande said...

Hi. Just an advice, dont get me wrong..Consider seggregating your writing into multiple paragraphs. This makes reading convenient

Anonymous said...

If one knows what one has to do,
has focus, an' pushes the limit, then one can achieve brilliant feats.
But I disagree to what u wrote 'bout destiny. To me .... "man makes his own destiny."