Batman's efforts to bring cheer into the lives of sick children at Children's Hospital in Chicago have been brought to a halt. Lenny Robinson who dresses himself in Batman garb, races a Lamborghini and recently bought a Batmobile. He was slated to visit sick children at Robert H Laurie Children's Hospital in Chicago. But, the hospital authorities have cancelled this visit in the light of recent mayhem caused due to the Aurora shootings. Batman had nothing to do with the shootings and Lenny is unhappy about these decisions taken, but there is nothing that he can do about it.
On 20th July, mass shootings took place at Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado during the screening of The Dark Knight Rises. The deranged gunman, set off tear gas and shot randomly at audience killing 12 persons and injuring nearly 60 other innocents. The suspect James Eagan Holmes was finally arrested and is currently under psychiatric treatment.
The events that occurred though tragic have resulted in the Lamborghini borne Robinson to stall his plans of playing a super hero and bringing cheer to the lives of sick children. Robinson will continue in his endeavors as he is hopeful that other hospitals on his tour do not resort to the same cancellation process.
Robinson said, "This senseless act of violence has nothing to do with the Warner Bros' Batman franchise. At the heart of the movie is a central heroic figure that gives hope. The shootings in Colorado was a tragic event, but will not stop me from portraying Batman. I will continue to portray this iconic superhero, giving courage to sick children around the world that need it most."
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