Monday, July 23, 2012

Maruti ready to solve problems in Manesar: National HRD Network condemns industrial violence

Haryana Chief Secretary P K Chaudhery stated that a special investigation team will be formed under the auspices of assistant commissioner of Police, Gurgaon to look into the violence that struck Maruti Suzuki, Manesar plant on last Wednesday which saw one person dead and several other injured. Maruti management has declared a lockout but stated that manufacturing of their diesel models cannot be relocated. Maruti car rates are not affected since this incident.

All workers will be paid according to norms. Here it seems like management of MSIL is bending over backwards to accommodate their workers and have even made attempts to settle differences but have not mentioned when they will be entering into dialogues with workers or when the lock out will be lifted. In the meantime Union leaders have all but disappeared.

Three major issues needed to be raised – workers wanted a union that was independent and not a part of any other union, they also felt that contract workers were not given fair deals while there were also issues regarding salary deductions, incentives and leave. Management has confirmed that the new union came into effect this year but has also added that there was a new policy where contract workers were concerned which resulted in them being phased out. Other issues tormenting the workers such as leave, pay and increments have also been addressed.

In the meantime, shares of the company have been declining for the third day in a row. From 1,226, when the markets closed on Wednesday, their share price came to 1079.95 by market close today (NSE- National Stock Exchange). Apart from this, National HRD network has also condemned the industrial violence at Manesar. Read the press release below for further information.

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