Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. have officially announced that their new Compact SUV, which till date was code-named Mini Xylo, will be called Quanto. According to Mahindra, This will be an SUV which will be spacious and powerful and a super performer. Quanto is scheduled to make its way into Indian auto markets by mid September 2012. Designed and developed by M&M, Quanto will be offered in a new sub 4 meter category which is what will contribute to its competitive price factor. It will be based on the Ingenio platform which is also seen on M&Ms Xylo.
The name 'Quanto' comes from the word 'Quantum' signifying space and power both of which are at their optimum in the upcoming vehicle. Quanto is a rugged, sturdy and high performance SUV with enhanced maneuverability. Due to its compact size, car buyers in India eagerly await the launch of the new Mahindra SUV.
Ideally suited for weekend holidays besides everyday home to office use, this vehicle combines the practicality of a hatchback with the capacity of an SUV which is why the company expects the Quanto to be an immediate success specially among the younger generation of Indians who prefer an active lifestyle.
Quanto will be powered by a 1.5 liter diesel engine and being in the sub 4 meter category will take advantage of all the benefits of excise duty cuts being offered by the Government of India. No prices have been revealed by the company as on date but estimates put Quanto in the Rs.4.5 to 5.5 lakh category.
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