Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Smart Community sets new world record for longest Smart parade in Antwerp: Lucerne in 2013

Antwerp was the place where Smart Community met to set a new world record for being longest ever smart parade. 1594 Fans from around 27 countries congregated together on Saturday to make this parade possible. There were 1114 vehicles participating in the parade that winded their way through the streets of Antwerp which drew the attention of eager onlookers.

One outstanding fact of this parade is not only eager efforts to break a world record but also to bring to the fore their fervor to ensure a cleaner and greener environment. All CO2 emitted during this four day event will be compensated by forestation wherein these participants along with WeForest, a Non Profit Organization will undertake to plant a total of 5,200 trees all across Kenya.

Smart enthusiasts from Europe have been coming together time and again since the past twelve years. The main aim of this gathering of smart enthusiasts is to share their passion, liaison with tuners and experts and showcase their vehicles which have either been modified or self designed. This annual smart event is headed to Lucerne next year where it is scheduled for August 23-25, 2013.



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