On Tuesday, British sports car manufacturers Aston Martin rolled out their new super grand tourer Vanquish, priced in India at Rs.3.85 crores. This is the most expensive Aston Martin to date in India, not taking the One-77 into account which was picked up by a solitary Indian customer for a price of Rs.25 crores.
Besides the Aston Martin Vanquish, the company also offers four other cars in India. Vantage is one such vehicle which is priced between Rs.1.8 to 2.75 crores, Rapide which is priced between Rs.3.25 to 3.3 crores, Aston martin DB9 is available for Rs.2.9 crores while Aston Martin DB7 has a price tag of Rs.3.7 crores.
These prices may seem steep to an average Indian but the company has a fan following in India where all of their vehicles in the luxury segment account for major sales. Under the Vanquish bonnet will be a 6 liter V12 engine that will ensure that the vehicle sprints from 0 to 62 mph in 4.1 seconds while top speed is slated at being 183 mph. It has a light carbon fiber body which contributes to its sports car like driving dynamics.
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