Wednesday, September 05, 2012

uadcopter: A mind controlled four-rotor-helicopter that could help individuals with impaired motor abilities

Researchers in China have come up with a thought controlled flying drone, a quadcopter, a four rotor helicopter that can be used by both persons with disabilities and non-disabled people to take a close look at objects that are out of reach. The user of this device will be able to fly the helicopter by brain power. Cameras onboard the Quadcopter will beam back images straight to the user’s PC acting as virtual eyes. The system uses an EEG- electroencephalography headset manufactured by Amotive to interpret brain activity. The headset costs just $299 and can be used on a computer with recent Windows version.

The user can maneuver the helicopter forward direction by ‘thinking right’. Brain signals are recognized by the device to propel the helicopter in various directions. Blinking and clinched teeth produce a brain signal that the EEG device is able to read. Based on the type of command signal transmitted, the helicopter performs tasks. The research team from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China that came up with the Quadcopter prototype is of the opinion the device will be used in several commercial applications in the future. The research team revealed the flying device could also be used to as an interactive gaming device for aerial battles and in military missions.

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