Wednesday, September 05, 2012

iPhone 5 maybe delayed as main supplier faces manufacturing problems

Those that eagerly awaited the launch of Apple’s iPhone 5 may have to persevere longer. Apparently, one of Apple’s key suppliers is facing difficulties with manufacturing in regard with high costs and margins involved, and this may well force Apple to postpone its iPhone 5 launch which was scheduled for September 12. According to Wall Street Journal, High-end display manufacturer Sharp is way behind in output production, this due to problems with supplies, margins and high cost on screens. Sharp is one of Apple’s key suppliers, the other big names being LG and Japan Display.

Sharp’s Kameyama LCD plant in Japan is where the mass production and shipment of panels and screens is done. Although there rumors about the facility being shut down, a Sharp spokesperson Miyuki Nakayama has rubbished this news saying” Kameyama is operational”  However, no news about shipments and mass production of units was disclosed by Sharp’s spokeperson. iPhone 5 is expected to come with radical changes. It’s this smartphones in-cell technology that embeds touch sensors into liquid crystal display that is doing the rounds regularly on tech websites. The new iPhone is expected come with a new design layout of ports, and the smartphone is going to be slimmer than its previous versions.

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