Thursday, November 01, 2007

the Indian family system

The arranged marriage system will not be completely wiped out from the Indian society in any great hurry. One major reason why it still works is because in a large way many Indian parents have a habit of interfering in their children’s lives even when they are adults. The Indian family system is rather strong and serves as an example in itself. There are many joint families that survive even to this day and as such when it comes to marrying of someone n the house everyone feels it is their responsibly to do so. Even in a single-family unit, parents look after their children even when they are adults. In many families even when youngsters get a job they continue to live at home rather than go out and experience life. In many families that follow such value systems the arranged marriage system works. Quite honestly the Indian society needs to be less sentimental about such issues and move on. It is quite another thing to cherish family values and quite the other to be obsessed about it. Hence it‘s time for young adults to act with maturity and make decisions that will give them a better life. Certainly such changes will be more effective and visible when the country starts witnessing a stronger education system. This is when change will not be met with sneer and rebellion and all parents will accept the change.

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