Thursday, November 16, 2006

Jai Hind

Well, similar to aspirations and dreams that you nestle, I to have mine. I wish to spend my life smiling and making you smile if that’s humanly possible. John Lennon sang “Imagine”.. I would like to live that life. That’s how I see it, so my friend unless someday I do rob a bank or win a lottery I am not going to be very rich, financially that is to speak. But despite that, I’ll help you smile.

Since, I don’t have realistic dreams and plans; at times I do wish to be involved in things that are of consequence in any little way. I do acknowledge most online forwards because a few of them make me smile. The other reason being, some of them have been mine to pen from scratch. I love writing them, of course now the content I write is a wee bit different, but I will always support happy forwards.

The latest agenda of any importance to me is to speak up for ‘Jai Hind’. It is an honest souls endeavor and I wish him luck. It doesn’t take much. But try feeling it. I believe all land and water is a gift to mankind, but if you don’t learn to cherish your land, you’ll never be able to identify with another land. That’s just how I see it, you may disagree. So what has this country given me. I am going to play counter strike now. For and against.

Pollution…A grave situation especially since our count is really high. Everybody says India is polluted. You and me too. There is a solution. Try car pool. Use one car in the family. Stop burdening yourself with loans. You know honestly if more of us used public transport, the government would have to do something about it. But of course we feel a lot more superior than being classified as superior. So I really wish we run out of fuel and instead of fifty something, fuel prices should soar to 500.

Cleanliness..Well a distant dream again…we thrive on takeaways and keep discarding packages on the way. We actually use plastic.hehehehehehe…..we crib about society charges and can identify with swiping plastic at expensive dinners..

Equal opportunity…we think the country isn’t educated but want the best only for our children… no one cares a damn whether the village rustics get any education at all…

We make issues of caste.. hehehehe.. so actually we’re not human.. we only identify with branding ourselves.. We also wouldn’t dress below our dignity..come all ye designers..i was born to be your patron…

We don’t go for picnics any longer but organize official phone to another, from desktop to laptop, from one loan to another…brandequity, …..and we are even recognized as frequent fliers, obviously the job requires it..

We talk about corruption but you wouldn’t join politics.. and we would pay the rickshaw guy extra.. We would haggle when caught without a license, we take all liberties to use cell phones when driving, we love shopping at the mall…we have all reached is what we believe..

And I am not even going into discussions about men and women..

Obviously we can’t change everything. But something’s you could…

So honestly my country is beautiful, so I say Jai Hind.. Humankind is selfish. This isn’t my land to destroy. It is my reality to support, conserve and preserve..


Anonymous said...

one day the resorces of this world will dry up and mankind will probably start shifting to other planets in distant galaxies. it would really be interesting to watch as the "jai hind" brigade starts rooting for a small space in a far off planet--say 400 million light years away.. heheheheheehehehehehehe

Rocky Singh said...

I find it surprising, even amusing sometimes that people say "Jai Hind" IN SPITE of all the troubling factors that have adverse effects on our lives today. Now before you assume that I am against saying "Jai Hind", read my sentence again.

My point is not to undermine the pride that people feel when speaking of India. It is simply to point out that we, Indians, often fail to give enough credit to the progress that this young country has made. It takes centuries to create what can be called ideal civilizations. And these "ideal" societies are often wraught with problems of there own. It does not matter how civilized they claim to be. They are simply as progressive as any other country, or as recessive.

India turns 60 next year. Can you, as an individual, image the kind of load that she has to bear as a country? While we still have millions of illiterate people in this country, there are so many of us who have been fortunate to have been brought up in a better environment. There are people working tirelessly for the betterment of those whose plight is shown on the world's BBCs and CNNs.

Why then do we simply complain that nothing is happening? Why do we always have someone who says "I feel proud to be an Indian even though we are a poor country"? Why do we feel pride even though Indian is plagued with so many problems? Why do we make statements without considering the impact?

You claim that you would like to see petrol prices go up to Rs.500/-. How would that help? The luxury that the rich enjoy in the privacy and comfort of their own vehicles would not change. The only difference would be is that the cost of Public Transport would go up ten times and the common man would not be able to afford it. Your servant would need to walk to work every day to save money. Your school teacher would never be able to visit another city. Your carpenter would not be able to afford food(yes my friend, food prices are also dependant on oil prices). You and I, would not be able to use the internet because the cost of logistics would skyrocket and computers would become too expensive to buy. The driver of the public transport vehicle, which you want the "rich" to use, would probably starve to pay for food for his family. I do agree that the buses would become more comfortable. But since they would only be affordable to those earning in lakhs per month, how would it help solve the problem of illiteracy and poverty? In fact, I believe that it would simply become another obstacle of your dream of India becoming a better society.

You started off by saying that you were going to write a "For and Against". But it appears to me that you forgot the "For" somewhere but managed a very good against. If time permits(*sigh* I have a presentation to finish) I will try and argue fairly "FOR" Jai Hind in a convincing manner.

Some of us do have a dream. I am sure you do too even though you claim not to have one. Do you honestly believe that you would make it through life without being rich, financially that is? Would you prefer to be amongst those who have a low bank balance right through life? How would you contribute as an individual to bring this country's problems to an end? Do think about that. Saying "Jai Hind" is not enough.

You are right about a few things. Corruption, with all its vices, does make life so much easier for some. I do occasionally use my cellphone while driving. I cant remember the last time I went on a picnic. And I have attended around 15 official dinner/lunch meetings in the last 4 months. But how does that prove in any way that I am not a contributor to the improvement of this society that you so cruelly criticize? I am a contributor. The same government which so many of us feel is incompetent, takes a sum of money even month from me. They use this money to improve my life. They fix roads for those who travel, open schools for the illiterate, feed the poor, create jobs for the unemployed and they even allow me the luxury of travelling in my car(which I have paid for with my own money). I am sure a part of my monetary "contribution", popularly called TAX, finds its way into the pocket of some "corrupt" politician. At the same time, I can see that a large part of it is actually being utilized for the benefit of those who I consider sons and daughters of my motherland.

While it makes me proud to know that I have contributed SOMETHING, I am sure there is more of an individual contribution which I can give to this country and her people. I hope that one day I am able to make it. But each one of us has to follow a certain path in life. For some it is just a straight, smooth road and for others quite a rough ride. Money is not the only deciding factor of the pleasure of the journey. Neverthless, it is an important one. FOr example, had I not been earning enough, how would I contribute to our country? I would be so absorbed in earning for my survival and the survival of my family that the betterment of our society would become a trivial issue compared to the larger issue of ensuring that my loved ones do not starve(especially sonsidering that someone like you may actually price petrol at 500 bucks :-D ).

I think it was unfair of you to mention so many issues in a single post. I am not able to argue with each of them in the detail that I wish.

Well, duty calls. I need to get to my presentation. It was nice to read your thoughts Nobo. But I do wish you would write more on subjects like this. If you truly are a thinker(not just a pretender), then write longer essays on subjects such as The price of petrol or casteism in India etc. Too many issues in one post simply do not get a point across.

Also, I am unable to argue with all of them in one reply. Perhaps another time...

Do find time to get into issues of "men and women". It should be fun.

And I hope that people, including you, would say Jai Hind with pride over India's innumerable successes rather than in spite of her innumerable failures.


Anonymous said...

"I've witnessed violence in the four corners of the world. I remember once, in Lebanon, immediately after the devastating war there, I was walking amongst the ruins of Beirut with a friend Soula Saad. She told me that her city had now been destroyed 7 times. I asked, jokingly, why they didn't give up rebuilding it & move somewhere else. 'Because it's our city,' she replied. 'Because the person who does not honour the earth in which his ancestors are buried will be cursed for all eternity.'
The person who dishonours his country, dishonours himself."
-Paulo Coelho-
'tis in d hands of all o' us (the youth, the grown ups, an' those who r 2days child an' will b 2morrows youth.)
I don' mean dat I'm very much patriotic. 2 me 'tis possible (may sum1 say 'tis a distant an' impossible dream.)
In d end I would like 2 quote MEGADETH.
"Fight for freedom, fight authority
Fight for anything, my country tis' of me
Fight.....It's MY country....."

------------------------JAI HIND