Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2012 National Instruments Alliance Partner of the Year in Asia to Captronic systems

An upward of 500 such innovative applications have been designed by this company to help cater to the demands of these industries. Captronic Systems Pvt. Ltd. is a name that is synonymous with high technology products that are used to provide solutions to customers. Custom automated test systems, design systems as also systems and technology used for R&D are some of the ventures that this company has taken up in the past.
At the NIWeek 2012 graphical system design conference held at Austin, Texas.

Captronic Systems was recognized as the leading provider of automated systems. This is the first time a partner in India has reached the level of national Instruments Platinum Partner Alliance Level. This company has been instrumental in providing technology and R7D workups for many industries like aerospace, telecommunications, automobile and manufacturing.

This company is a leading system integrator and is widely acknowledged by companies like Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Aeronautical Development agency, DRDO, Renault Nissan and Tata Motors, amongst many others.

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